Philosophical/Social Commentary

I would like to start my commentary with the introduction of a new theory I’ve coined “Industrial Drapetomania” (theory)

  • The notion that a person is “crazy” to want to leave a “good” job for something of value like personal growth, going back to school, helping humankind, etc. 

This theory has historical reference and is based partly on the psychological premise that an African slave in the Americas was mentally “ill” for wanting to flee from their life of captivity. 

This entire writing must begin with the personal admission that you are an awesome individual. Don’t let anyone interrupt you from discovering or, if already discovered, sharing your awesomeness with the world. We are privileged to experience the pure joy of your authentic spirit in this world. 

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, we should speak about the people that, in many cases, curtail you from discovering just how stupendously amazing you are. The majority of us in this world aren’t fortunate to reach the point of self-actualization, where we know who we are, believing we are who we say we are, and doing what we ought to be doing with our lives and talents. Too many of us are caught up in the capitalistic pursuits of the “American Dream” and “Keeping up with the Jones’s….Kardashian’s” or any other microwave “celebrity” we see. 

Even worse, you might work at a job that you can’t stand and have family, friends, coworkers, and significant others that tell you that you’re crazy for wanting to leave a “good job” and give your dream or passion a chance to come to fruition. AND YOU BELIEVE THEM. This toxic influence (not the people necessarily, but the influence) is keeping you from self-actualization. NO ONE on this planet was put here to work their lives away in the hopes of retiring. In reality, this is a recent development within the last 80 years or so. You’re a source of boundless energy and you don’t realize it whether it is due to influence, money, or any of the various social factors that are too complex to go in-depth about.

There is nothing a person can say that can keep you from discovering just how unique and awesome you are. The only thing that is stopping you is that to some degree you have internalized some form of doubt. In reality, there is nothing between you but air and opportunity from reaching your dreams and aspirations. The people that tell you that you’d be stupid or plain crazy for leaving a good job are, most often, in the same position that you are in. That is the epitome of the “crabs in a bucket” mentality. 

If you were talking to entrepreneurs or people who successfully left the corporate plantation, they’d give you the verbal push to jump out the window and let your wings carry you. Anyone that says you’re crazy for wanting to leave a “good job” and risk making something of yourself suffers from what I call “industrial drapetomania.” Basically, the theory states that you’re crazy for wanting to leave the thing that makes you sick, robs you of a third or a half of your day, and might be killing you slowly (depending on what type of environment you work in). All that just for money and benefits? The question is, do you think this is an equivalent exchange? 

I can tell you the answer. You’re worth more.  I know it. You know it. And not in the cliché sense, either. I mean you are INFINITELY worth more than what you think or what you’re convinced to think that you are. The moment that you stop reading this and internalize it is the instant your life starts changing. Today is just an extension of yesterday. So what will you do now? Tomorrow? Next year? 

Your awesome “you” is just sitting there, waiting on YOU. Ready to make moves and shake life. 

So what’s the delay? There’s nothing between you except air and opportunity. 

#baraka (Kiswahili for ‘blessings’)

By Kylan Holt